The Year of the Dogs! New book & lecture series by famed author & photographer, Vincent J. Musi

The Year of the Dogs is an amazing new book from famed author & photographer, Vincent J. Musi
On Wednesday, September 25th at 7 p.m., Charleston Music Hall will host The Year of the Dogs, Live, a continuation of the CMH lecture series where author & photographer, Vincent J. Musi will discuss his amazing new book of the same name. Vincent is a photographer who has worked with several different newspapers and magazines over the past thirty years, including many assignments with National Geographic magazine. This work allowed him to spend most of his time traveling the world. When his son turned sixteen, he decided that he wanted to spend more time at home and reinvented himself as a dog photographer.
Vincent had a wealth of experience with animals. “For the last ten years, I’ve been working with animals on stories ranging from the science of cognition and domestication to exotic pets.” In fact, his very first cover for National Geographic was of a very smart border collie for a story about animal cognition. His new career as a dog photographer began by asking friends to bring in their dogs so he could practice his new medium. He said, “I had never really done anything like this. It was not very well thought-out or researched, it still isn’t honestly. You can’t make an animal do what you want them to do. Patience is more than a virtue, it’s essential.”
This project evolved to be more than just photography. Vincent’s wife encouraged him to write about the dogs because she thought people would be interested. He’d written a little for National Geographic but didn’t consider himself a writer. “I’ve always enjoyed writing about my own experiences rather than reporting on others. The dogs are a perfect vehicle for that, as they can’t really dispute anything I saw about them.”
Initially, he used Instagram as a platform for this project. Over time, more and more subscribers suggested that he make his images and musings into a book about dogs. “They want to be able to hold onto these stories and photographs in a more permanent form and they also want to physically share it and preserve it.”
Vincent hopes that this book will encourage people to take a moment to enjoy something we take for granted. “Dogs are ubiquitous, but each is unique. I look at them with a sense of wonder and respect and an endless fascination for the role they continue to play in our existence.”
Look for The Year of the Dogs in your favorite bookstore now!
Vincent J. Musi’s work has been profiled in National Geographic magazine, as well as the New York Times, the Washington Post and Time magazine. He lives in South Carolina with his wife and son.
You can follow Vince on Instagram @vincentjmusi or visit
For venue and ticket information, please visit
Written by Julie Murray, Content Coordinator for Lowcountry Dog Magazine