Second Annual Touch A Truck & Pet Expo for Sinbad Sadie Second Chance

Sinbad Sadie Second Chance Rescue had their 2nd Annual Touch A Truck Event and Pet Expo at the Ponds in Summerville on October 15th. Over 1200 kids and adults got to climb into firetrucks, police cars, ambulances, a helicopter and some other work vehicles. Bouncy Castles and other kids activities kept the little ones entertained while a DJ kept the adults groovin'.
A beauty pageant was held as well as both a Silent and Chinese auction. Over 30 vendors including food, pet, and some other local business set up an "Expo Avenue" leading to the runway of trucks to touch and explore! Adoptable dogs and puppies were placed in various spots at the event so everyone could stop and get free puppy kisses.
Not all expenses and donations are completed but a little over $13,000 was raised to benefit the animals in the rescue. The majority of that money will go towards medical treatment for the animals but some will be put into their building fund.
Below are some photos taken for the event by LCDM event photographer, SouthPaw FIne Art Photography.
Read and watch Sinbad Sadie's Rescue Spotlight below as seen in Lowcountry Dog Magazine as well as visit their website