Lowcountry Dog

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Tips for the Best Dog Walks Ever

Having a pet dog can be one of life's most fulfilling experiences. You get to have a constant companion and a loving friend to make memories with. Dogs are also great for humans because they help keep them accountable and ensure that humans are active and exercising. Dogs require regular walks to stay happy and healthy, which means that humans have to go on those walks, too!

Photo by Andrii Podilnyk

If you have a pet dog, there are some things you should know about taking your dog on a walk to ensure that your venture is as healthy and productive as possible. Here are some tips for the best dog walks ever. You'll find if you keep them in mind when you take your furry friend out, you'll both be feeling happier and more satisfied than when you took walks before.

Get Preventative Treatment for Ticks and Fleas

Before you ever leave home for a walk, make sure your dog is properly treated for ticks and fleas. Your vet can administer a treatment like comfortis for dogs and cats , which helps protect your dog from the pesky critters.

Bring Water Along

Walks can be exhausting, and they can also be dehydrating. Invest in a collapsible, portable water bowl that you can bring with you on the go. Then, you can make sure your dog has water to drink even if you're far from home. If you're not sure whether or not the place you're going has a water fountain, make sure to bring a bottle of water along. This will help you fill your dog's bowl and give you some water to drink when you get tired or thirsty.

Allow for Sniffing at Your Destination

Teach your dog that sniffing is okay, but only once you get to where you're going. Sniffing provides mental stimulation for your pup, so it's healthy. However, it can make walks take forever. Instead of letting your dog sniff the entirety of your walk, make sure he walks alongside you and doesn't stop during some of the walk, then allow him to sniff once you've gotten to your destination or a certain point of your stroll. To stop your dog from sniffing during all parts of your walk, avoid using a retractable leash, which allows a dog too much freedom to roam.

Go Out at the Right Time of Day

Photo by Matt Nelson

During the summer, it may be too hot to walk during the middle of the day at the height of the sun. At the same time, during the winter, it might be too cold to walk except at noon. Take a look at the weather before you go out, then make sure you choose a good time to be outside. If you go out when the weather is the most temperate, you can maximize the length of your walks and ensure they're enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Taking your dog out on a walk doesn't have to feel like a chore. Instead, it can feel like a great opportunity to bond with your beloved furry family member and for you both to get some exercise. Spend some time preparing for your walks and being mindful during them. You may just find that they end up improving your dog's quality of life -- and yours at the same time!

Cover Photo Leonides Ruvalcabar