Thinking of Giving Your Dog CBD? What You Should Know

With the trend of using CBD to ease certain ailments and to relax, it’s not a surprise that some are considering using CBD to help their dogs. But should you give your dog CBD? If yes, what kind of CBD product should you use?
As you already know, some dogs have phobias and/or are scared of certain situations. They express fear in several ways, such as shaking, pacing, barking, cowering, hiding, fleeing, or whining. Sometimes, when it gets terrible, they may even hurt themselves in panic and knock a few things over in the house.
What is CBD?
CBD or cannabidiol is one of the many active compounds found in the hemp plant. It has many health benefits and is relatively safe for people and animals to consume. Many people are taking CBD to ease their ailments or to simply help them relax and sleep.
CBD doesn’t get you high, it is THC that does. This is why many users buy products that don’t contain any THC at all. But you can also get products that contain less than 0.3% of THC. They still won’t get you high and are legal in Canada.
There are plenty of ways to take CBD, like vaping, eating edibles, and orally with tinctures. Some people may prefer one method of intake over the others. You can simply choose whichever one you think is the most comfortable for you. Today, despite all the research that we have done, we still don't know much about CBD and the use of CBD in humans and animals.
How do you give your dog CBD?
One of the most popular methods that I know so far is using CBD oil for dogs. CBD oil is portable, easy to administer and convenient for you and your dog. Many dog owners give their dogs cannabidiol via treats, especially with porous treats, as these can absorb CBD oil well. Simply apply the right amount of dosage and apply it to the dog treat, give some time for the oil to soak in, and give it to your dog.
Other methods that you can use buying CBD-infused pet treats direct oral application, and mix with pet food. Some methods may work better than others in certain scenarios. Since there is no telling how your dog will react when in fear.
Now for the timing, it’d be best to give your dog cannabidiol before your dog gets scared. For example, if you know your dog is scared of thunderstorms, you can give them cannabidiol when your thunderstorms are coming. Or, if it’s a bit too late, you can take your dog to a safe space, far away from the source of fear, and then give them cannabidiol there.
As for the dosage, it can get tricky to determine the right amount. The recommended dosage will be based on your dog’s weight. The bigger the dog, the more dosage it may need. But keep in mind that starting from the lower doses is always a good idea. You can increase the dosage as you go or if you think the condition is severe.
CBD for dogs
Based on this story of a veterinarian who gives CBD to his dog, we can assume that cannabidiol does help dogs with their fears. As explained above, you do not want to give your dog THC, so it’d be best to give your dog CBD oil that doesn’t contain THC. And cannabidiol seems to be effective at helping the dog calm down.
There are some potential side effects that you need to be aware of, however. While there’s no scientific data on the side effects of cannabidiol for dogs, there are potential side effects for humans. So it’s still useful to be aware of these side effects.
These side effects are drowsiness, dry mouth, and lowered blood pressure. Drowsiness is the interesting one, many people think that the reason why dogs get calmer after taking cannabidiol is because of drowsiness. Nevertheless, the result is real and observable and helps the dog.
A dry mouth can decrease the production of saliva and make your dog thirsty, so prepare a bowl of water to help them. Lowered blood pressure could create a feeling of light-headedness. See if your dog is wobbly or looking weak.
Cannabidiol has shown to be useful for dogs to help them calm down and overcome their fears. Even veterinarians in Canada and around the world give their dogs cannabidiol. While cannabidiol carries certain risks, it is still very beneficial for your dog during certain situations. As long as you give your dog lower doses of CBD, it should be safe.